The Northeast Texas Community College Board of Trustees met for its regular December meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 17th. All seven trustees were present. The first order of business was the Presentation of Independent Audit by the firm of Axley & Rode.
Presentation of Independent Audit
Molly Abele presented on behalf of Axley and Rode. The auditors gave the college an unmodified opinion and indicated that everything was presented fairly in all respects. The audit included state and federal program compliance. Abele said that the college improved its net position over 2023 by about $800,000 and there were no issues or findings to report to the board. Abele commended the college administration for their work throughout the year and during the audit process.
The next order of business was Dr. Ron Clinton’s President’s Report.
President’s Report
Clinton reported that the college celebrated fall graduation on December 13th. A little over 100 students completed degrees and certificates. He also noted that NTCC held its annual employee Christmas and employee recognition luncheon earlier in the month. Tom Ramler, Director of Plant Services, was honored as the lone retiree. Service awards were given for those employed for five, 10, 15, and 30 years.
Clinton also reported that the Foundation brought in $49,652 in November, including a $25,000 gift from the Ray H. Marr Foundation. Dr Jon McCullough, Executive Vice President for Advancement, said these funds are to provide support for workforce programs. Specifically, they will be providing scholarships for students in the new HVAC Installer/Helper program kicking off in Spring 2025.
Items of Information
Under Items of Information, the board acknowledged that all NTCC Trustees have completed the cybersecurity training mandated by HB3834. This is an annual recertification that is mandated by the state.
Action Items
Under action items, the board started off by approving the Consent Agenda. They then approved an Amendment of Special Course Fees for two Patient Care Technician courses. A resolution was also approved to accept an offer on a Camp County property that had been struck off the tax rolls.
The board then considered Approval of Easement Agreement for Transmission Lines with Prairie Branch Solar LLC. The easement was previously approved at the November meeting, but it was on the agenda again in December for them to vote on a modification of the fee structure for the project. The board unanimously approved the agreement.
Presidential Search
After a brief executive session, Board Chair Chuck Johns announced that the board does not intend to hire a national search firm to conduct the hiring process for NTCC’s next president. Rather, it will be handled in-house through the college’s human resources department. Clinton announced earlier this year that he plans to retire in late spring 2025.
With no personnel action and no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.