
Fall of First Semester:  Biotex Seminar

      Biology 1406.022  
      History 2301.022

Spring of Second Semester: StatPsych

      Math 1342.022
      Psych 2301.022

Fall of Sophomore Year:  HuMusic

      History 2322.022
      Music 1306.022

Spring of Sophomore Year:

One other three-hour, upper-level course for Honors Credit

Reasoning Behind Honors Seminars:

The seminars are the great engines of scholarly achievements in honors.  All of our Caldwell and Boe Awards began as seminar projects, and all of our Jack Kent Cooke and Coca Cola Awards had their ancestry with seminar projects.  

These courses also cover common course requirements for most degrees:

Biology 1406 counts as a Physical Science with lab requirement and is highly useful for every major at NTCC except some branches of engineering.  Texas History can be used as a replacement for either required American History course. The possibilities for scholarly accolades in Texas history also exceed that of every other discipline.  Psychology 2301 and Math 1342 can cover needs for Social Science, and Math. History 2322 covers the Language, Philosophy, Culture requirement for most majors, and Music 1306, the Creative Arts requirement.